Dish: main course

Level: easy

Serves: 2

Time: 50′


For the pasta:
150 gr of plain flour
a pinch of salt
1 tsp of olive oil
water to taste

For the filling:
2 small potatoes
one-half onion
100 gr of beets
1 bunch of aromatics herbs
80 gr ricotta cheese
2 tbs of cocoa powder
salt and pepper
chinnamon powder

50 gr of butter
1 tbs corn flour
smoked ricotta cheese

Step 1: Prepare the filling of the cjarsons: boil the potatoes. Once cooked, reduce them in puree with a crushed potato. Bake the beets, squeeze and chop the knife together with the herbs. Mix the potatoes together with the beets and herbs, ricotta, cocoa, a pinch of cinnamon and season with salt and pepper.
Then let it rest.

Step 2: Prepare the pasta: bring the flour into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. Add the lukewarm water necessary until a smooth and elastic compound is obtained. Let it rest for 30 minutes under a kitchen rag.

Step 3: Finish the staircase and, using a rolling pin, pull a thin sheet. Cut with a round mold from the diameter of 5 to 6 cm so many circles. Place in the center of each pie circle 1 teaspoon of filling. Fold the cjarsons in half and seal them by pressing with your fingers.

Step 4: Bring plenty of salted water and boil the cjarsons. Apart from preparing the crumble: melt the butter. When it starts to brown, add the corn flour and mix. Once the corn has purchased a hazelnut colour, turn off the fire.
Drain the cjarsons and serve them with the crumble and plenty of grated smoked ricotta cheese.