The New York Intl Spirits Competition was the first competition to be founded in the International Beverage Competition Series. After its success, we were asked to replicate the competition in multiple countries. What sets this competition apart from other international beverage ones is their TRADE ONLY blind judging panel. These judges, whose livelihood rely upon their skill set, truly know…
The New York Intl Spirits Competition was the first competition to be founded in the International Beverage Competition Series. After its success, we were asked to replicate the competition in multiple countries. What sets this competition apart from other international beverage ones is their TRADE ONLY blind judging panel. These judges, whose livelihood rely upon their skill set, truly know…
The New York Intl Spirits Competition was the first competition to be founded in the International Beverage Competition Series. After its success, we were asked to replicate the competition in multiple countries. What sets this competition apart from other international beverage ones is their TRADE ONLY blind judging panel. These judges, whose livelihood rely upon their skill set, truly know…
La New York Intl Spirits Competition è la prima competizione nata all’interno dell’International Beverage Competition Series. Dopo il suo successo iniziale, la Competition è ora presente in diversi paesi. Ciò che la distingue dagli altri concorsi è la giuria composta da professionals di settore, che degustano i prodotti alla cieca, scegliendo i più adatti al mercato statunitense perchè conoscono i…
The International Organic Awards is a competition focused on awarding best organic products available on the market. Jury Members are professionals such as Buyers, Distributors and Journalist. Their mission is to score each product from 0 to 5, with criteria that favour products adapted to the Organic Market. Vegan Cocoa has been awarded with Gold Certification. Download award
The International Organic Awards is a competition focused on awarding best organic products available on the market. Jury Members are professionals such as Buyers, Distributors and Journalist. Their mission is to score each product from 0 to 5, with criteria that favour products adapted to the Organic Market. Vegan Blueberry has been awarded with Gold Certification. Download award
The International Organic Awards is a competition focused on awarding best organic products available on the market. Jury Members are professionals such as Buyers, Distributors and Journalist. Their mission is to score each product from 0 to 5, with criteria that favour products adapted to the Organic Market. Storica Nera BIO has been awarded with Gold Certification. Download award
The International Organic Awards is a competition focused on awarding best organic products available on the market. Jury Members are professionals such as Buyers, Distributors and Journalist. Their mission is to score each product from 0 to 5, with criteria that favour products adapted to the Organic Market. Futura BIO Aghêmil has been awarded with Gold Certification. Download award
Every year Selection aus Genussmagazin organizes an extremely interesting competition, in which best spirits gain visibility on the German market. In 2022 edition La120 has been awarded with Top-Level Gold Medal. Download award
Every year Selection aus Genussmagazin organizes an extremely interesting competition, in which best spirits gain visibility on the German market. In 2021 edition Trittico Bergamot has been awarded with Gold Medal. Download award
Every year Selection aus Genussmagazin organizes an extremely interesting competition, in which best spirits gain visibility on the German market. In 2021 edition Storica Verde has been awarded with Gold Medal. Download award
Spirito Autoctono è la prima guida agli spiriti italiani edita dal Touring Club. Requisito imprescindibile per la selezione è la qualità, ma soprattutto l’utilizzo di ingredienti autoctoni e l’attenzione dell’azienda alla territorialità e all’identità del prodotto. L’obiettivo della guida Spirito Autoctono è selezionare e premiare i produttori più meritevoli, raccontarli e scegliere quelli che in assoluto rappresentano al meglio l’italianità,…