Grappa di Malvasia


The grape pomace is collected fresh from selected suppliers and is separately stored in silos from the time of the original grape harvest.
Distillation is done in eight copper pot stills, to produce a “raw” grappa with approximately 75 per cent alcohol. In the distillation column the volatile components from the still are selected and concentrated; they are then condensed as they pass through the water-cooled coils.
Refinement in stainless steel tanks for at least one year confers a greater balance compared to freshly distilled alternatives.
A colourless crystal clear grappa. The nose hints are frank and fragrant.
The taste is pleasantly persistent.
The white grape pomace confers on the distillate an intense and complex set of aromas.


From Malvasia grape pomace we get this clear and very fine grappa.
All the aromatic characteristics of the original grapes are retained for a frank and delicate scent.
The moderate alcohol content will not compromise the smoothness and persistence, making it the ideal drink to be savoured after any meal.

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Product size

Alcohol by volume

Raw material

Serving temperature

Categories: , Product ID: 2077